THIS gal - what a force of nature she is! Chick (she comes … [Read More...]
- “Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.”
— Anonymous
- Paris Street Scene
- Oooh La La
- Remy
- The Kibby Family
- Goddess of Spring
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Brenda, you are beautiful and you burn from the inside out! Buried treasure discovered in downtown Corpus Christi!
In short Brenda, you are... PHOTOGRAPHER EXTRAORDINAIRE!
-your not so secret admirer, Federico
Wonderful Site
What a wonderful site--you should be proud!! Brenda, you are truly blessed with talent and a great eye!!
-Terrie Moore
Marvelous, darling
Your site reflects exactly the exhuberant avalanche of fun, whimsy, thought, feeling, satire, humor, beauty, message, and pure uniqueness, in a word, art, that we have all come to expect from you. All of it, covered with a light delicious coating of the most subtle hint of decadence and good natured irreverance. Your site, your work, it's you. Marvelous, darling.
Beautiful Website
Brenda, It was such a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for working so well with the children and me.
Your website is beautiful - I can't wait to see the photographs.
-Lynn Wigington
Hey girlfriend - OH MY GOD!! Your website is the most beautiful website I have ever seen! Those pictures are amazing Brenda.
-Kelly C.
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